The Big Bang Theory - Season 12 : Episode 1


  • Comedy

Best friends and brilliant physicists Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper are geniuses in the lab but socially challenge outside of it. Despite this, Leonard married his beautiful, street-smart neighbour, Penny. And Sheldon, after a long courtship, wed successful neurobiologist Amy. And while aerospace engineer Howard and his adorable microbiologist wife, Bernadette, explore the predicament of being married with two kids, astrophysicist Raj considers a traditional arranged marriage. As the supersmart friends solve quotidian conundrums posed by academia. Family crises and video games, their experiments in domestic bliss never fail to produce hilarious results. But all good theories arrive at a conclusion. The twelfth and final season of "television's perpetual laughter continuum comprises" 24 supercharged episodes that take comedy to the next dimension...and beyond.

Season 12 Episodes


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